速報APP / 娛樂 / Super Lucky Day

Super Lucky Day





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



Super Lucky Day(圖1)-速報App

Do bad things happen to you?

Do you want to try to avoid them and have more luck?

This app could change the way you live your life…

Super Lucky Day(圖2)-速報App

Lucky Color——Predict your lucky color of the day

It solves your confusion to choose a dress from your wardrobe in the morning :)

Lucky Number——Get your Lucky Number! Maybe today is your winning day! Our Lucky Number Generator creates a random number just for you, with the tap of the finger.

Super Lucky Day(圖3)-速報App

Lucky Direction——Easily tell which direction you are facing so you can enhance areas of your life that you want to improve

Super Lucky Day(圖4)-速報App